
Showing posts from March, 2021

Overview of Hazop study - TheSafetyMaster

  In India, a Hazop study is a must for all buildings and plants. It is a very vital instrument for the safety purpose of the people. But as on date, not everyone is aware of the methods to carry out a Hazop study and who should do in this field. There are times when we need to implement safety measures for the protection of employees, assets and the environment from any sort of hazardous or dangerous situations. Hazop study is an excellent way to save and protect ourselves in case of any kind of emergency. A hazop study is performed by experts with experience in the field and knowledge of certain safety procedures and chemicals. Hazop studies help to identify all possible risks that may arise along with the cause of such problems. Hazop is a methodology used in risk analysis that involves all the areas of study that relate to an accident or incident. It includes human, organizational and technological factors as well as process management hazards and opportunities. Hazop can be ...

The Importance of Doing Hazard Identification And Risk Assessments

  Hazard identification and risk assessments are two terms that you are more than likely to hear in the world of Safety, Health, and Environment. Although these two terms may not be the most understood in this area, many businesses often neglect the importance of carrying out these two processes effectively. HIRA is the first step in what is known as an emergency response plan. A hazard is defined as any potential source of harm. A hazard can either be physical, chemical, biological, or even human. The goal of identifying hazards is to categorize these hazards into groups based on how likely they are to cause damage and how severe that damage might be. After identifying the hazards you may find that some are eliminated from your final risk assessment due to lack of effectiveness, availability of a safer alternative, or resource constraints. Knowledge is the first step to preventing injuries and losses and so you've got to start somewhere! The idea of performing a Hazard Identif...